About The Program
Our Curriculum

Basics of science
Customized curricula in Mathematics, Physics

ADAPT preparation \testing
Training and testing of the widely recognized pilots exam

English language studies
Global curricula for listening, speaking, writing and reading skills
Academic levels
The applicant for the program begins by taking a placement test to determine the starting stage of the student's study



Pilot Aptitude Test

Intensive English course designed to improve all four English Language skills using a semi-immersive approach.
Daily hours:
5 in Class
1 Read Theory
10 Independent Work
Intensive English course designed to improve all four English Language skills using a semi-immersive approach.
Daily hours:
5 in Class
1 Read Theory
10 Independent Work
Intensive English language course and mental Math skills training. Aviation English and Symbiotics Speaking introduced.
Daily hours:
6 in Class
6 independent work
Intensive English language course and Physics skills training. Aviation English and Symbiotics Speaking continued and basic
Daily hours:
6 in Class
6 Individual Work
+ADAPT support introduced.
Intensive English language course with emphasis on Aviation English, and Aviation Physics skills.
Daily hours:
6 in Class
6 Individual Work
+ADAPT Preparation.
Aviation English, Employability Skills and Life
Skills courses delivered using a Project based approach.
Daily hours:
4 in Class
6 Individual Work
The admission test for new pilots with several levels. The exam measures skills and aptitudes including psychomotor, cognitive, problem solving and decision making skills
Additional ADAPT training for repeaters.
Dependent on components needed.